tisdag 26 oktober 2010

October Outdoor Options

Who said the Autumn is just a pass-by between summer's end and christmas?
Here's a few things possible to carry out of you're dragging around a gracious-as-a-fridge, and sometimes very noisy, perambulator .
  • Take the Caffe Latte culture to your heart, but do it Your Way. For example, expand the outdoor season by asking for big rugs to sweep around you. There's nothing like a smoking hot cappuchino heating up cold fingers, while the sun is gazing in your neck and fire-coloured leaves swirl around the tables.
  • Remember summer's last picnic? Now it's time to pack all your friends for the first picnic of the Autumn! Again, bring rugs. And smoking hot soup or stew. 
  • Take a run. Dress up in wind-proof running robes, grab the pram and bump out on car-free roads. Or challenge yourself and take the lighted running track in your nearest forest. Feel the increased resistance in the uphill slopes and reward yourself well afterwards.
  • Get creative outdoors. Take your scetch pad, painting box, poem book, camera or other artistic medium and inhale the autumn feeling, the people passing by, the town environments, the nature. Just don't forget to put on warm clothes, and bring a coffee thermos and an umbrella...
  • If there's a storm outdoors: Stay indoors. Take a bath. Play a table game or lay a puzzle. Read a good book, perhaps aloud if there's any interested listeners nearby. Just enjoy the fact that there's absolutely no need to get outside in that frightful weather. Mmmmm, warm and cosy house.

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