måndag 15 november 2010

The amazing tale of Strawberry and Banana.

The great knights of Strawberry and Banana

Once upon a time there was a battle. This was no ordinary, end-of-the-week battle, no, this had been the cruelest, messiest, juiciest battle through time. A Fruit Salad of such quantities no one had seen before.
It had ended with the death of His Sweetness King Pineapple, a terrible loss for his kingdom The Picnic Rug, which now stood without a leader.

Two great warriors claimed their right of the throne. They were Strawberry and Banana, close supporters and faithful knights of King Pineapple. They wandered together the long way back home to their beloved kingdom.

"There, I see it! It is our home!"
"There! I see it! It is our home!" said Strawberry one day.
"The Castle is intact!" Banana cried of happiness, and they both ran down the hill towards the castle gates.

Strawberry climbed the steps and took the throne. "Look, I'm King! Wohoo!"
"I want to be king", said Banana.
"No", said Strawberry, "You can't be king. You're a girl. You can be queen."
"But I want to be king!"
Strawberry takes the throne
"No, you can't be king! You're a girl! You can be queen."
"I want to be king!"

The dispute rose to unbearable levels, and Banana started to cry. Finally, Strawberry softened and climbed down to Banana. He patted her on her yellow cheek.

Strawbetty pats Banana and all gets fine
"Both of us can be king. Would that do?"
"OK", sobbed Banana, and she already felt much better.

They were so happy that they had finally agreed, and made a little dance together on the town square.
"We're both kings now! Yipee!"

And the croud cheered.


Starring: Strawberry and Banana as Strawberry and Banana
Starring Also: Dina as the Throne
Script and Production: Mom

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