söndag 2 januari 2011

Hi Seva!

Since I'm hosting a guest today and for two nights ahead, I write this insertion in english.

CS (not counterstrike, couchsurfing) is a community that enables the users to host travellers and/or surf couches throughout the world. Goodbye, expensive hotel stays and characterless tourist vacations! Godday interesting meetings, cultural experiences and local tips that make your stay really memorable. And welcome, all new faces, new contacts, new insights and life philosophies. Welcome, Seva.

He's my first guest. A whiterussian, who now studies philosophy in Vilnius, has travelled and worked since he was 16 years, and has visited the US six times..! Good work, I must say :)

Today we've mostly just settled down, we had coffee at my place, took a stroll downtown and I showed him some old architecture and the frozen waterfall at campus, and at night we ended up at Kristofers' place, who as a coincidence also just got a membership in the CS community a little while ago. Frankly, I'm not surprized, it doesn't feel like a thing open-minded Kristofer wouldn't do. What was fun though, was that he just got member, right when I got it, too. And we didn't know that we both did it, either. But, I got my first guest before he did. Haaaa haaaa!

Me, Seva, Kristofer and Jonas had a great and easy time that night. The only one not enjoying the evening was Dina - mommy slammed her poor head in the ledge of the kitchen table - by accident, and not very hard, but still. Stupid, stupid mom.

At least she had a really great time before that - laughing and cheering at all the attention - and after a little power nap, she seemed to have forgotten the entire accident. The easiness of a child's mind... Admirable.

Tomorrow awaits new adventures - we're checking out museums in Norrköping. Until then - Nightynight :)

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