lördag 19 februari 2011

Will this never end..?

Man...! I don't recognize myself anymore. Shouldn't be possible to be this tired.

Trying to make some sort of a diagnosis here. Of what I do that I shouldn't do, and what I don't that I actually should. Hmmm. Thinkie thinkie thinkie.

Starting with Do-shouldn't.

I'm up late at nights.
I do a lot of computer things and always take the chance while lil-kiddo sleeps.
I eat funny.
I exercise a lot and eat funny.
I always make sure to fill my agenda with things-to-do. There's not many spaces left for recovery here...
I pay attention to my kid..? Well, obvoiously that's a big Do-should and a good thing, but I think I could reprioritize the activities a little and focus on not being smashing-super-mommy-can-do-everything-at-once, and just a good mommy.

And now. The don't-should.

Slooooooow dooooooown.
Skip the cleaning and dish-washing and the darn facebook surfing for a day of the week or two.
Zzzzzzleep early at night...
Instead of planning the days fron dusk to dawn, take the time as it comes and learn to relax...
Feel comfortable in doing nothing.
Make proper cooking a regular habit... And don't be afraid to order pizza sometimes :)

I find it funny that everything that's considered lazy behaviour if you're living a normal, working/studying, active life without a baby on the hip 24-7, is normal and actually necessary behaviour on the baby-side of life. After six whole months, I still yet haven't really taken in this fact... Guess if I'm slow! :P

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