lördag 19 mars 2011

The effect of being yourself

Today. Hey, what a day!

Firstly, the sun was shining. Good thing to start with. I woke up at 6.30 and made a little morning dance with good old "Var ligger landet där man böjer bananerna", before a stunned baby. Great way to practice her balance, since she had something to focus on and therefore could sit up still enough to not fall over. Happydance combo baby exercise, yay!

Later on when I got out, I thought I didn't have anything at hand before two pm, but, well, I did. I was totally convinced today was Friday. That's why I got quite surprized when I got by Erikshjälpen, a second hand place runned by the red cross, that only keeps open at wednesdays and saturdays. Now, loads of people ran in and out of the shop with and without shopping bags, which confunded me for a while. Had to stop and analyse this new possibility that it might actually be Saturday after all, and thus almost time for a meeting with the triathlon club at the swimming house. Just to make sure I hadn't gone mad or anything, I asked a guy in passing; "Excuse me, what day is it today? Saturday?" He looked surprised at me for a while, then said "Er, yes, it is. It's Saturday."

Couldn't help rolling my eyes at this thing. This is just me! I hurried away to the swimming house and arrived a little before appointed time. Me, Björn and a new girl,.Catherine, was going to talk a little about what we wanted with our training and if we had any interest in a further engagement within the club. Man, what an inspiring meeting! Haven't been this pep on training since... Well, I don't know. This is a new kind of inspiration, shared with others instead of only gained for myself. I've opened a whole load of new gates today. Might even start a running group for newbeginners here in Hageby.

The day continues. I had another meeting at Café Kuriosa with a mom who'd bought a little babysuit from me through Tradera. She got it for 13 kr, but I don't think the suit was the most important thing for any of us today. We both met someone who stuck out of the big crowd of happy-fluffy-wonderful-babyworld-and-all-the-accessories-coming-with-it cliché mothers. We simply clicked. Quite unexpected, since we at a first glance seemed as different as a flower and a thorn. But after all, flowers and thorns actually belong to the same stem.

Me and Dina finished our day at Frejas place. The base idea was that we, Freja and Cate would initiate Cates new wafflemaker, but circumstances were against us. No Cate came... Anyway, me and Freja had a nice chat, I took the chance to try and develop some basic scetches of the characters for my childrens book, and we'll all try out the waffle plan again tomorrow. After church. If we feel like it and if there's energy.

Feels a little strange not to workout anything at all. Before the shoulder and the hands, I trained ten times a week. Gonna start again on monday with non-shoulder-burdening training, spinning or the like. But apparently I somehow manage to fill the days with alternative business...

And more, with all the leftover energy, my apartment is cleaner than ever :P

Happy mom. Kid goes WHAT are you doing!?

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