måndag 18 oktober 2010

2.15 am. I'm up dreaming.

My dream last night. What a story. It had thousands of details of which I can remember only a few, for example that it all took place at Iceland, that everything ended up being a doomsday foresaying coming true, and, something like, well, huge C3PO:s transforming into war machines that consumed mankind like a vacuum cleaner sucks up ants.


Tonight I'm dreaming in an awake condition. I'm thinking about the future, and how I'd like to live. The home of my dreams, as they look now.

Firstly, this vision bases on a few changes of my current social status. It presupposes that I have a Husband. Dina will have at least one brother or sister. I might have bonus kids too, if this Husband comes from a former relationship. I'd welcome them with my arms wide open.

Alright, now we have my family status settled. Now to the living.

The House. Its BIG. Like a country estate. I don't need land, but... If I some day make reality out of the desicion of taking a Hunter's license, it wouldn't be too bad to have my own hunting grounds. And I wouldn't say no to my own fishing grounds, either... Which takes me to the question of where this estate shall be located. For now, I imagine it all lying on a quite big island in the middle region of the Stockholm Archipelago, an island with all-year-round ferry connection to the mainland. Which restricts the possibilities of having tunnlands of hunting grounds, but never mind of that.

Allright. Lets continue. As I said, the house is quite big. It has two floors. The main floor inherits a big, roustic kitchen, modern comfortability but old-fashion style. There's also a big common room, split up in twoo or perhaps three "areas"; One media/movie zone with the music controls (sattelite speakers strategically placed around the room), one big sofa, lots and lots of pillows, and a big TV for cosy movie nights and wild TV-game battles. One corner has an open fire place, armchairs and bookshelves. This "zone" might also be integrated with a dining place that can easily fit like, ten or even fifteen people.

The entrance connects the kitchen and the living room, and also a minor bathroom, a rope chamber, and the stairs.

At the upper floor, the first thing you see is a smaller second common room with another TV, for those evenings when the wills are split. Around this room are the doors to three, four or maybe even five dormitories, depending on how many we will be in the family. Me and Husband (whom doesn't have a name yet :P) shares one bedroom, not necessarily the biggest one. Our bedroom is connected to a walk-in closet, though. Our kids have one room each.  And - this is very important - the upper floor also inherits a spa installation. A big bathroom with lots of space for asthetic experiences. And of course - our doggie has his bed in the upper common room :)

That's the main house, I think. The light flows inside through big, generous windows, and on the back side we have a big verandah, a southfaced sundeck, facing a grass plane, or cliffs, slightly leaning down to the bridge! It's more like a bridge platform, actually, with space for a big table and seatings for late outside dinners. We also have a little ramp so that we can easily store the boats on our grounds winter-time: it's the fastgoing little motorboat, the fast dinghie - a catamaran, perhaps, just for fun - and the big long-term sailorboat with room for the entire family plus a few friends to go on week-long (or longer) summer adventures.

We have a well-planned, roustic, but deliberately wild-grown garden. We have a lot of rooms in the garden, trellis of roses and honeysuckle, somewhere a "permanent" hammock surronded by a lilac bower, a few standars hammocks as well, a green house with pumpkins and tomatoes, a water barrel with heated water all year round. Some enthusiastic youth in the neighbourhood makes his pocketmoney by cutting grass and fruit trees, rinsing the flower beds and such.

And then there's the generous garage (with space for bikes, garden machines and one jeep-ish car with lots of space for packing, and a little sports cab as well...), which is connected to a storehouse and an engineering workshop for building projects. We might have an earth cellar as well... Used as a wine cellar. Tha'd be cool.

I wonder if I've forgotten anything... I'm certain I have. Of course, all this requires a slightly fatter wallet than the one I have now ;)

Oh, right. Connected to the bridge is the woodburning sauna.

The reason of all the space is two.. One is that I want us all to have enough space to be able to not run over each other all days. The second is that I want the house to always be open for family, friends, and relatives to visit. It shall be open. Always open. Always welcoming.

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