lördag 20 november 2010


When was the latest time you went wild and crazy at Willys supermarket?

Angelika, you're a true film-a-holic. I trust your judgement at all our future rainy-day-movie-marathon sessions. Which, I presume, will be quite a few if we're to get going with our plans of a not too distant Harry Potter watch-through. Keep up with that idea! Aj Lajk It.

For all those who don't have a clue about what the hälsingland I'm yadding about, I only claim this:

  • Coffee makes wonderful effects with a tired mommy body.
  • The swedish salt-liquorice candy "Jungle roars" now also come as lollipops. They got powder within. Too forceful suction is not recommended, but if you do... Get ready for the highway. Yahoo!
  • Movies, movies, movies! Willys got a movies outlet. Apparently that can cause dangerous symptoms on certain diagnostics, such as... Angelicas X)
  • Colourful candy are beautiful. And sweet. And colourful. Pretty enough to make me dance along the candy rows. Mmmmumummumumumm, humming among the shelves.
Need I say I had a great end-of-the-day?

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