måndag 6 december 2010

What would life be without snow

Life is full of little moments, and sometimes you manage to catch them...

Endorphines make you happy. That's a fact. For me, they also make me creative in quite many ways. Yesterday I took out the little extra energy I had left after the nights spinning class, in the... snow. Yes. I made somersaults until my cap got big snow lumps stuck all over it, that eventually started to crawl their way down my neck. Mmm. Nice. Wet :P

But I never regretted the night out in the snow for a single second. Gotta do it again... Especially as I discovered that if you do the somersault spin in the air before you land, it actually turns into a volt..! That's cool. Gotta practice on that, so I'll manage to do it again even on bare ground. Gets a little scarier then, but now I've done it once I know I can do it again.

Praise snow. Without it, I'd never dared to try that volt.

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