lördag 8 januari 2011

Cold from ... the deep south

Sitting in the sofa with training pants and the warmest jumper I've got. Angora wool. Nice shit. Keeps me warm, but sadly doesn't stop my nose from dripping, my eyes from watering, my head from feeling as struck by a large hammer and my body from tensing like a rubber band and then snap off at every sneeze.

The Third World War has just maimed my poor body and my hard-working immune system soldiers work their hearts out to clean up the mess. The remains of all the dead, nasty virus armies are now getting shoveled away, some through the nose "junkyard", and some are getting hurled away by the great lung catapult. Atchoo!

My baby takes her noon sleep right now, so I take the chance to remember some of yesterdays memorable events until she calls on me.

Yesterday was a very nice day. My day plan looked as following:

  1. Get up, morning routines, get Dina dressed, give her carrotpurée and a scrap of corn purée for lunch. I made a macaroni pudding for me. Yum yum!
  2. After the obligatorial wash and change of clothes as after each dining - she has her own very special idea of table manners - we went out and got to Angelica at café Kuriosa to copy the pictures rom our photoshoot to my computer.
  3. Training - spinning. Nicolai stood by to help me babysitting Dina.
  4. Dinas dinner with parsnip purée and then Movie Night with Austin Powers - Goldmember.
At the café, besides all the usual common curiosity about Dina, I got catched by a mom who had a daughter who wanted to tone her hair in an extreme colour, like pink- och purple-ish. She asked me for an advice, and I got surprised how helpful I could be for her! Yes, after all, I can count myself quite experienced in the area of extreme toning. At least I know what have worked for me, and what haven't. And the woman was truly greatful. Glad to be at service :)

Later on, when I met up Nico at the swimming hall, I couldn't help smiling. He was wearing his working robes,  a big rough sweater and a warm-lined jacket, steady shoes and his hair flying at all directions after a long day up on roofs shoveling snow. He looked like a lumberjack! So, he's a lumberjack and he's alright, he works all day and he sleeps at night... 

With a close look on his face, he revealed that he had a surprise coming to me. I found out wat it was when the door bell rang in the middle of my and Dinas movienight. There he stood, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand... I'm not usually that touchy, but this was so... Unexpected. Naw, my Nico :)

And after a nights sleep - and nursing - I woke up with a cold from he...hälsingland. Nasty place, that is ;)

Greetings from two happy souls in Norrköping!

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