fredag 7 januari 2011

Whoa. Structure.

Action! Make that thing scramble
as much as possible...
Remember that I was wondering if I'd ever become a routined mother?

I just discovered that if you just create routines, they're not that hard to follow ;)

Or, well. Babysteps.

Mom, whaddya worrying about?
I can handle the chair. Getting pro :)
Dina's now having a daily lunch, her main meal, consisting of one tablespoon of veg purée together with her vitamins, and a nib of something new. Today she feasted on carrot and corn. And for dinner, a tablespoon of something else familiar, like parsnip. Yum yum. Lunch at twelve, dinner at six, and milk at anytime and as much as she wants before, in between and after. Whoa, I'm creating regularity.

These cravings... I just had to make
a macaroni pudding  the other day.
Dangerously yummie!
I think that's a good thing for me, too. See, I eat after we've washed her off after her meal. And when I eat, I let her sit in the babychair, the one that's gonna be her food station a bit later on when she's stable enough to focus on the spoon without tipping aside. Right now she's only practicing... But she's getting there!

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