torsdag 13 januari 2011

What's the term for "Julgransplundring"..?

"Childrens' party after christmas", or the more direct translation "christmas tree marauding"... However you actually say it, well, I was at one today. A big, common thing with a big christmas tree and the traditional ringdance. All and all we had five rows of dancers, who would've believed that in little Norrköping :)

Weird tradition, really. I try to look at it as a stranger would do. Adults, children, elder, men and women, all holding hands and singing songs of foxes running across the ice, frogs and pigs with/without ears and tails, songs of girls kneeing, boys bowing, old women knitting, old men taking snuff, bakers making bread, shoemakers repairing their shoes, whiny kids crying... And for the love of Lord, don't ever forget to make the belonging moves! Very, very important.

I mostly went for Dinas' sake, for her to have a fun experience. I don't think she really appreciated it, though. I bet she was thinking something like, what the heck are all those people spinning around themselves for...?

Right now I'm trying to figure out what actually lies in her interest. So far, I've come to this conclusion.

Top-ten popular things-to-do (not necessarily in order):

  1. Touch, grab and investigate items of different colour, shape, texture and flavour
  2. Try out all the new food mom is bringing. It's colourful, and tastes funny, and sticks everywhere. He he.
  3. Roll around and stretch for items over there
  4. Fly, get carried, bump around in safe arms far below the ground. You see so much more from that height!
  5. Get a massage, especially when it tickles. 
  6. Look at mirrors. Hey, who are you?
  7. Listen to songs and play little games that go with the song. Great party piece!
  8. Meeting other people can be interesting sometimes.
  9. Shout, sing and try out the voice. Loudly!
  10. Let mommy play paparazzi with her phone camera (though I doubt she's the one who really get the most out of this :P )
"It looks like godzilla, but due to international copyright laws, it's not."
"Though it isn't".

(quote from Austin Powers Goldmember) 

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