söndag 3 april 2011

The freedom of doing nothing

Couldn't have chosen a more misleading headline. Doing nothing? Come on, did you really believe that? It's me we're dealing with, remember.

Anyway, the first part gives a hint of the truth. Freedom. Yes, I've had freedom this week. The freedom of doing whatever have come to my mind, without having to deal with the will and wont's of a very little but oh so determined girl. I've had a Childfree Week. Wow.

For some reason I've not only had more energy and more flexibility to do things, Ive also increased my efficiency like, um, twenty times the level I had before I got pregnant. Especially the first child-free morning. Can't remember the last time I managed to workout, check out six different daycares (and getting to them walking),  to have a long financial meeting at the bank that brought the opening of a stock account, and to play around with my best friend in Norrköping, before lunch. Yes, that was a monster morning. Funny thing was, I wasn't tired at all when I got home again after a long lunch date and a walk home. More  workout stood ahead, springs first run in the forest! The snow had barely melted away and a pale sun tickled its beams in my neck while I bumped up and down the slopes.

Back home again, quickie shower and rush away to town again where Patrik met up me and Angelika with his giganto jeepy thingie car... ish. Me and car brands, uhm.. No.

Anyway. He gave us, both drivers license trainees, a valuable lesson of how you shouldn't drive. Here in this big, open crossing we have a life endangering situation because it might show up a monstrouous combine harvester over there behind that barn a thousand yards ahead, and on this little forest road there's always loads of elephants and rhinos crossing everywhere so we speed up just to make sure we hit them heartily.

Me and Angelika had a draw-and-dance-and-check-out-cool-hiphop-dudes-on-youtube night. Why not.

And this was the first day of almost an entire week of non-kid activities... I've been working out more, one night me and Nico and another Emma made a karaeoke night at Sveaskeppet, I've been on a rock concert, I've read out my book and started on the next in the series... Gosh. But I've relaxed too. Yes, I promise. Had sleepy mornings and just been out and enjoyed the days.

Have to say it's been quite odd to be childless, though. I've missed her sitting on my floor and making bubbling noises with her mouth. I've missed her smiles, and her tempers too, actually. I've had reports from her granny every night and was made sure that everything was ok. So that felt good.

Feels like I've got a little work to do in keeping this blog updated. The secret of why I'm not always updating is simply that all my activities take more space. I'd almost need a personal secretary if I'd make a real effort to document everything, every day. Nah... Skip that. There's more in this world than sitting behind computers writing. Seriously, the world's beautiful.

So stop reading and get out! ;D

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